Good evening!
Just encase you weren't aware.... the WONDERFUL Holly Burns and I will be both performing our work-in-process-freshly-born-comedic-genius- ideas at THE HIDEAWAY on the 12th of February. FOR FREE. That's bloody marvelous right?! Key thing is though, we need an audience. This is all in prep for edinburgh so we would LOVE your support... So you should totes come. Go on. The venue does really good pizzas.
Starts at 8pm, and it's free! ***** HOLLY BURN The Independent’s chosen comic as "THE ONE TO WATCH 201 "Best comedy newcomer" - HARRY HILL ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ from literally everyone ELF LYONS ‘real highlight of the night’ - Feminist Times ‘One to Watch’ ★★★★★ Intermission ★★★★ One4Review ★★★★ Broadway Rosemary's Baby ★★★★ Three Weeks