Good Morning!

Exciting news to say that tickets are ON SALE for Love Songs to Guinea Pigs at the Wandsworth Arts Fringe in MAY! So if you missed out at Vault Festival, now is your chance to see my new show!
Details are as follows:
The Arches at St Marys Church: 3 May, 8.30pm — 9.30pm, The Arches at St Marys Church: 4 May, 8.30pm — 9.30pm, The Arches at St Marys Church: 5 May, 8.30pm — 9.30pm
Tickets: £8.00 Concessions: £6.00

Award winning comedian and clown Elf Lyons presents a surreal tale of love and loneliness. In the style of a 1980s Elton John rock concert.
In October 2018, Elf was taken to hospital and told it was best she never perform again.
After months lying on her back and recovering from spinal surgery, Elf had to rethink what she was going to do*. This is the show she devised in response : A work-in-progress show about being a work-in-progress.
Live Music, Mime, Clowning and entirely true stories, join Elf as she embodies her inner Elton on an absurd narrative of love, heartbreak, hospitals, friendship, romance, re-learning your own body and rodents.
This is the perfect show to take a tinder date to, an ex, a friend who is going through a difficult divorce, that guy you know from your book group, your step-mum as an attempt to ‘bond’ and indeed your work team on a social outing. Or just come on your own and be a legend.
(*One of the things Elf DID decide to do was rescue two Guinea Pigs.)