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Wild Shenanigans Comedy Festival - Ticket discount....

Hello Guineapigs!

Next week I am taking part in WILD SHENANIGANS - a festival of clowning, slapstick and mayhem.

It is at the Blue Elephant Theatre in Camberwell. There will be an array of wild comedy created by some of the UK’s most talented idiots, (many Gaulier graduates if that is something you are interested in). Come and laugh at comedy in all its ridiculous forms!

On the 20th June (Thursday) I will be performing a work-in-progress of Love Songs to Guineapigs before I tour the show around the UK this Autumn....

Tickets for the 20th range from £7.50 to £9 BUT as you are part of my MAILING LIST - I've got you a cheeky ticket discount code.... Type in MOLFRIEND and save yourself some ££££££. Also - if you book more more than one show you get 10% off! LUCKY YOU!

Hopefully see you there next week!

Much love,

Elf Lyons, Ian McCulloch and Clara Cupcakes

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