
A one woman production of Swan Lake. In an hour. In French. Sort of.
The giraffe-limbed clown and raconteur is back with her most exciting stand-up show yet. Think big. Think weird. Mathew Bourne would be proud. It's going to be fun. And sexy. Yeah, let's throw that word in there too.
Graduate of L'Ecole Philippe Gaulier.
2017 Edinburgh Comedy Awards Best Show – Nominee
2017 Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality – Nominee
2018 Fringe World Perth Best Show – Nominee
2018 ‘Pick of the Fringe’ Adelaide Fringe – Winner
“A fast talking, smart-thinking standup for whom the adjective ‘kooky’ could have been invented for.” The Guardian
★★★★★ Funny Women
★★★★★ Broadway Baby
★★★★★ To Do List
★★★★★ Three Weeks
★★★★★ Voice Mag
★★★★ Scotsman
★★★★ Fest
★★★★ Skinny
★★★★ The Advertiser, Australia